SERVICE TYPE Stream restoration and trout habitat enhancements
LOCATION West Fork Pine Creek, Sublette County, WY
CLIENT Private Landowner
YEAR 2024 (in progress)
SCOPE Design and install toewood bank stabilization structures with riparian vegetation treatments at sites where accelerated streambank erosion is occurring due to loss of established vegetation. Alder Environmental provided design, permitting, and construction oversightservices for the project.
SERVICE TYPE Stream restoration, fisheries, ecological & wildlife
LOCATION Flat Creek, Teton County, WY
CLIENT Private
YEAR 2021
SCOPE Accelerated streambank erosion and lateral migration of the channel threatened a flood control berm, access road, and sewer main line. A toe wood with bioengineered willow soil lifts was used to stabilize the bank and provide long term ecological benefits to the creek and riparian corridor. Alder Environmental provided design, permitting, and construction supervision services for the project.
SERVICE TYPE Stream restoration, trout habitat enhancements and riparian and wetland restoration
LOCATION Teton County, WY
CLIENT Wyoming Game and Fish Department
YEAR 2019-2023
SCOPE Restore the degraded stream channel based on Natural Channel Design providing improved aquatic habitat for all life stages of cutthroat trout. Re-establish and improve riparian corridor and sediment transportation while maintaining family ranching operations. Alder Environmental provided project management, Natural Channel Design, riparian and wetland design, permit application support and construction management.
SERVICE TYPE Stream and wetland restoration, fish passage and trout habitat enhancement
LOCATION Teton County, WY
CLIENT 3 Creek Ranch Homeowners Association
YEAR 2015-2019
SCOPE Establish and restore aquatic habitat. Remove accumulated fine sediments and improve sediment transportation by restoring natural channel dimensions. Alder Environmental provided geomorphic assessment and concept design, final design and permitting, construction oversight and evaluation.
SERVICE TYPE Stream restoration, fish passage and trout habitat enhancements
LOCATION Teton County, WY
CLIENT Trout Unlimited and Private Landowner
YEAR 2019-2020
SCOPE Restore fish passage for all fish species and life stages by replacing existing undersized levee culvert. Restore and enhance Lower Bar BC Creekâs degraded backwater reach based on Natural Channel Design. Alder Environmental provided a geomorphic assessment, stream design, permit applications, construction management.
SERVICE TYPE Stream restoration, fish passage and trout habitat enhancements
LOCATION Lincoln County, WY
CLIENT Private Landowner and Realtor
YEAR 2016-2018
SCOPE Restore 1.4 miles of a remnant channel, enhanced aquatic habitat, and re-connected upper Flat Creek at a fish passage barrier providing access to historical trout spawning habitat and improved water quality. Alder Environmental provided a geomorphic assessment, stream design, permit applications and construction management.
SERVICE TYPE Stream restoration, fish passage and trout habitat enhancements
LOCATION Teton County, WY
CLIENT Private Landowner
YEAR 2015-2016
SCOPE Native trout habitat and passage was restored through dam removal and stream restoration efforts on Cody and Blue Crane Creeks. Alder Environmental provided design, permitting and construction services for this project spanning 0.75 miles of important trout spawning and rearing tributary of the Snake River.
SERVICE TYPE Stream restoration, fish habitat enhancements and riparian plantings
LOCATION Sublette County, WY
CLIENT Private Landowner
YEAR 2014-2015
SCOPE Existing conditions evaluation, stream geomorphic and habitat design, permit applications, construction management.
SERVICE TYPE Stream restoration and fisheries
LOCATION Teton County, WY
CLIENT Private and WY Game and Fish Dept.
YEAR 2012
SCOPE An existing irrigation diversion structure was replaced with natural boulder weirs to improve fish passage for native cutthroat trout. Alder Environmental provided design, permitting and construction services for the project.
(307) 733 5031 - P.O. Box 6519, 1130 Maple Way, Ste 1E; Jackson, WY 83002